I am a fast girl. No, not a fast runner. I do things fast. I eat fast. Just ask my kids. I woof down my dinner and have to wait for them. I sew fast....I love to hear the needle humming. I breath fast. I think fast (not always coherently, mind you). I am going a mile a minute in my head often. I clean fast. Mow the lawn fast. However, I do math slow. :) I know fast is good for some things. Good for getting to where you want to be on time. For getting chores done. For typing. For jogging / walking / exercising. But in reality, it is better to go at a bit slower pace. I often talk to myself and try to calm the "fast" part of me down. I can see where I am headed on the fast train. I know I am going to mess up and yet somehow, the fast side usually wins, despite the obvious consequences. I am a clutz because of this need to be fast. S...
My sister made me do this! Experiences shared and journeys had. These are just little ditties that come to mind that I love to share!