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Showing posts from March, 2014

The Art of Engaging

We've seen it.  We do it.  We let it slide.  It becomes a bad habit.  We abuse it.   Once upon a time we were purchasing a van.  The sales man was doing a fantastic pitch…and then he offered me the golden temptation gift….free dvd players in the car. Who wouldn't want that!  Am I right?  We can turn it on, drive with muted noise in the back ground….the kind we can endure - not kids fighting or whining.  When he offered this to me, I quickly said No Thanks.  He put his pen down and looked at me like he didn't quite catch what I was saying.  "Pardon?  I'm offering you free tv's in the car."  "I know," I said.  "I like to have the kids actually learn the way of the road, to talk to me, to squabble and figure it out.  To watch life pass them out the window and not miss interesting things to see".  "Well," he said, "you are the first person who has ever turned free tv down".  And yes, I'm a unique cracker...