So, I have this issue. It's a common that plagues most, if not every, parent at some point in our journey to raising brilliantly awesome kids. It's the issue of guilt. Guilt by any measure is unavoidable. I have guilt when I eat past dinner time and then polish off the halloween candy I happed upon. I have guilt that I haven't exercised since the first week of January. I feel guilty for not calling friends when I know I should but just don't find the time or energy. Guilt can be a motivator for good things....right now I am drawing a blank, but I am sure there are pro's to it....hmmmmm. I felt a lot guilt when my marriage failed. And then the enormous guilt of having to send Luci to daycare and have the kids grow up and get themselves to the bus. That guilt has worn off to a healthier degree. I tried everything I could to make my marriage work. Luci is growing leaps and bounds and enjoys playing with kids and learni...
My sister made me do this! Experiences shared and journeys had. These are just little ditties that come to mind that I love to share!