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My Wee Motivators!

I go to the gym.   I go there a lot.  I went there lots more in the spring and have missed doing night time work outs...however, there are some sacrifices one has to make for the children! :)  I love having them home in the summer, but Kamrin is 12 now and hates going to the kids care; whereas Mikka and Luci love going.  There is one child care worker, Onique, whom we love and when we walk into the room we are always thrilled when it's our friend there who is working.  Yes, other girls are nice, but they just aren't HER. 
     This summer I did a lot of outdoor running.  It took less time than a trip to the gym.  Kamrin would watch the little ones....kind of.   Or I would gym it with the other 2 and she would stay at home.  She quite liked being on her own tho...I would come home to find my nearly-teen lounging on the couch, hair a mess, teeth unbrushed, watching that darn Family Channel.  Seriously, am SICK of that channel! They never had all those kinds of shows when we were kids....they are all just so flipping "trendy"....(envision finger down throat).  I digress. Other summers I usually quit the gym due to the desire to sleep in and the guilt of leaving the kids or having to drag them along.  This summer there were no issuess as Kam can babysit or hang out on her own and Mikka loves the gym as she gets to hug and take care of babies!  So I only suffered mild guilt this summer leaving Kam at home - an improvement (just ask my therapist...I have guilt issues! HA!) 
     So when I go work out I usually have 2 under my arms.  I love that they love to come with me.  They walk by the people at the counter and the snack bar and everyone checks out the cute kids.  I have gotten to know the cleaning lady and she always loves to see the girls too and often tells them to walk carefully cause she just mopped...again. I went yesterday and did the boot camp class as my spinning class was canceled (grrrrr) but it was all good - I got a good work out and laughed a lot with my friends in class.  But as it was a different class I was sore this morning - too many squats!!!  I had no desire to work out too hard today.  Sure, a few pounds have found their way back what with holidays and trips to farms with amazing pies, but I allow myself to pack on a few in the name of "happiness" and today I just hurt too much to do too much. I even told Mikka as such.  So when I dropped them off in their spot and said, "I won't be doing a long workout", I didn't think anything of it as I left them there.
After 45 minutes of weights, I was finished, unmotivated and not enjoying the roll I saw when I did my sit ups. You'd think seeing the roll would push me, but no, it makes me want to run away and eat more pie.  I put my stuff away and figured I sweat, I was ok, I did more than I would have had I not gone....and went to grab my girls.  I walked in the room and what happens, Mikka looks at me and says, "what are you doing here?"  " I am done," I say.  She says, "no you're not.  You're hardly even sweating.  Go do more."  WHAT????  Onique was laughing and I was confused.  Do I listen to this little twerp who just told me to go work on that roll some more?  I hummed and hawed for a moment and figured, they were right...I needed to do some more.  So, I left the kids there and went back on the floor!  But I had a HUGE smile on my face.  My kids were happy and taken care of and I had some more time to justify the cookies I will inevitably enjoy later.  My kids like that I exercise and I do hope the example wears off on them as they get older and fight the whole "feeling crappy so let's eat ice cream" mentality.  Just having them send me back out to the battle ground for another 1/2 hr was awesome and I truly do feel better for it.  Thanks girls!



  1. great to read about your life and girls again.


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