I have been absent for quite some time from blog-land. I haven't had the gumption, energy or creativity to write about life and make fun of it all. I am going to get back on this wagon. I am going to attempt to see life in all it's rich colours and be sure to share it from my perspective. Lots has happened to me and my family this past while. One thing I know is that I still see things as funny. What a blessing that is!!! For the past couple of months I have opened this page and sat looking at the screen. Ideas floating around, jokes to be made, stories to tell...and when I started typing I went blank. It was the oddest thing as I do love to write. So today...as I hear the rumblings of kids waking up in the back ground, smell my own lovely morning breath and feel my tummy rumbling, craving some oatmeal, I will work at getting "back at it". I need to do things that make me ME....and this is something I have control over and will take over from passenger to Pilot. The question I have is how real should I be? Well, if you know me well, you know I am pretty "real" and will continue to do so....so Watch out World!!!!
I have a hard time believing I am ok. I struggle with the acceptance that I can do things. This, in return, halts me from branching out and doing some things that would challenge me and possibly make me more of a well-rounded and confident person. I have confidence. I know I am a good mom (most days). I know I am a patient and kind wife (again, most days). But still, I lack in believing in myself. Years ago I decided to do something for myself and enrolled in the night course at Humber College to do Interior Design. I LOVED being back at school. I was scared silly - but was so glad to be sitting in the back of a class room with my pen and paper in hand - ready to tackle hues, colours and shades! I had a great year and did really well. However, I went and got pregnant and had to quit school. Doh! I was good at the design thing....but deep down was probably happy to have to resign as my next course was drafting and th...
still waiting to read more.... :)