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A Toast!

When I was a young twit, I was active, hyper, and bursting with energy.  Not only did I do everything fast but I spoke fast too.  I would run over my words, I would join words, I would speak so fast  that I was often told to slow down and repeat what I had just said.  I was so frustrated always being told to repeat myself.  My dad, a professional vocalist, was always on me about my speech.  "Marlea!!  Slow down!!!  Annunciate!  Articulate!  You trip over your tongue and mumble".  His solution for me was go to Toast Masters. "You need to go to learn how to speak!!".  "Dad, I'm just a kid.  I could never do Toast Masters, that's too hard and its for grownups".  And I, as a typical twit, ignored him. Growing up I always heard about Toast Masters.  Dad swore by it, however, I don't even know if he ever did it himself.  He had no problems with his speaking.  He was controlled and eloquent.  His final ...
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The Art of Engaging

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My Charlie Girl

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Great Expectations

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Safe Landing!

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Live on the Wild Side

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