So, the other day, Kamrin and I were in the car and she mentioned to me that she saw a police officer in the car driving while texting. She didn't think it was really fair that he would be able to break that law if we aren't allowed to. She also said he was a fat cop. Oops. I had to stifle a giggle on that one...but assured her that sometimes living life as a cop can make it hard to get to the gym and eat a healthy meal. However, I do believe that if you're going to look for bad guys, you should be able to chase them too. Police officers can be great - they are necessary - but one of my biggest pet peaves is when they simply want to get through a stoplight so they put on their lights and flash on through. Grrrr. Kamrin and I were discussing the police force and of course Mikka decided she wanted to be a cop so she could drive really really fast. She is her mothers daughter and Uncles niece....we like fast. I grew up loving the show '...
My sister made me do this! Experiences shared and journeys had. These are just little ditties that come to mind that I love to share!