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Showing posts from April, 2011

Good Cop, Bad Cop

So, the other day, Kamrin and I were in the car and she mentioned to me that she saw a police officer in the car driving while texting.  She didn't think it was really fair that he would be able to break that law if we aren't allowed to. She also said he was a fat cop.  Oops.  I had to stifle a giggle on that one...but assured her that sometimes living life as a cop can make it hard to get to the gym and eat a healthy meal.  However, I do believe that if you're going to look for bad guys, you should be able to chase them too.  Police officers can be great - they are necessary - but one of my biggest pet peaves is when they simply want to get through a stoplight so they put on their lights and flash on through.  Grrrr.  Kamrin and I were discussing the police force and of course Mikka decided she wanted to be a cop so she could drive really really fast.  She is her mothers daughter and Uncles niece....we like fast.  I grew up loving the show '...

Don't get your Panties in a Bunch

Panties. Yes, I did say it.  Panties.  I hate them.  They are a source of a lot of discomfort for me.  No, I don't go commando.  I leave that to Sharon Stone.  Me, well, I think I have a different type of bum.  Since I was a little kid, I have always gotten wedgies.  My dad used to constantly ask me, "are you going to the movies?"....I truly did not get the joke until I was older and realized he was referring to me "picking my seat".  Badumbum!  Recently I have lost some weight and am having more pantie issues.  I wear tight exercise pants and now with less bum to fill the underwear, I am finding they bunch up at the sides giving me a crinkled look under my pants.  I am constantly pulling them up.  And these were the underwear that I liked.  It takes a lot for me to get underwear.  There are simply too many to choose from.  I hate shopping at the best of times and when it's time to get my underwear I am easi...

I like Heels

I am a girl.  I told that to Luci today.  I was coming from the gym and said, "Wow, Mommy is a sweaty girl."  Luci corrected me and said, "You're not a girl, you're a mommy and a sister."  I tried to explain that I am a girl and she is a kid.  I then confused her and said that goats' babies are called Kids ....too much information!!!  This being said, I like being a girl.  I used to look like a boy (thanks mom and dad!), but always loved a good dress. I was always coming up with outfits and tried different accessories.  Sometimes I looked good, other times, well, let's just say I now understand why I was often on the fringe of certain Esprit / Bennetton wearing"groups".  When Kamrin was born I was thrilled and relieved.  A girl.  I get girls.  I can do the daughter thing.  Then came along Mikka and Luci.  Having 3 girls - well, as my friend Angela could tell you, there is nothing better.  I have 3 opinions to g...

It's All In A Name

I am big on names.   I ask people for them,  inquire and don't feel stupid about it.  I ask other people what someone else's  name is if I  don't know.  I love knowing names.  Maybe it's my dad's influence - always give a firm handshake and get a name.  I am not a business person - but I understand the value of a name.  Names give someone meaning.  It says, "I care enough about you to remember something important about you", ie : your name.  I have made some good friends by just going out of my way to ask a name.  I remember Tracy - sitting quietly in the foyer of the school - it took me a few months to go over and ask her name.  She was and still is, shy, and didn't talk to anyone much.  I went over one day and sat beside her and asked her name.   Now, if I am being honest, I did forget and had to look it up again in the school directory at a later date - but I felt good by giving her the gift of knowi...

Absent Minded Parent

We have 3 kids.  11, 7 and nearly 3.  We have a dog, a business, sports and friends.  Life is hectic.  I do enjoy the pace most days. But some days I would kill to be somewhere dark and quiet with no threat of some random guy calling to sell me windows or a kid crying for a band-aid for her forehead, just because.  Busy-ness takes it's toll on you.  Let's be honest - I forget LOTS.  Heck, I just got an email from my awesome and upfront friend, Laurel, who reminded me I owe her kid $5.00 for a fundraiser.  Totally forgot.  I forget where my keys are, what I did with that damn debit card (again...gotta stop putting it in pockets), what phone calls or emails need to be returned.  Some days I am just plain dumb.  Sometimes I have no control over the dumbness.  Take for instance, when Luci had just turned one and we had my extremely awesome nieces visiting us.  We had to get out the door for skating - we were in a panic. ...

Just One Of Those Days

You ever had a day when you just felt like crap.  You woke up - hoped for a good attitude and joy and somehow it escaped you through the toilet.  Today is one of those days.  Some may say it's the weather.  I am a true believer that it does affect moods.  I often love a grey and rainy day - they remind me of home -  but sometimes they mess me up.  There  is nothing like a good BC rain...for a day...not  a month though!  So today, my first born climbed into bed with me after having a bad dream.  You'd think that little cuddle would have made me feel positive.  It did, but only till I had to roll out and get up.  Then I had to  rush to another whimpering kid.   Mikka was in a bad dream - so I had to coax her awake to help her chase the bad dream away.  The girls were great this morning.  I helped make their beds, Luci remained asleep all morning, I sent the girls packing to the bus with umbrellas and gum...

"Let Em' Soar", I Say!

So, again, Darren scored some TFC (Toronto Football Club...aka soccer) tickets and again, I was the last person he thought of taking.  Trust me, I am still recovering (from last time last month!)...but instead he did have a good idea.  Instead of him taking Kamrin (again!), how about he take Kamrin and her best friend, Alexa, down to the stadium and he'll just get himself some cheap nosebleed seat and let them have at it on their own.  They LOVED the idea.  So Alexa spent the night last night and and all morning they were so pumped about this new found independence we were going to bestow them with.  I am a wee bit over-protective...ok, sometimes a little psycho...but it's for my kid - I go a bit nuts for them.  But as Kamrin gets older and tries to spread her wings, I again, have to let it go.  When I thought about them going downtown on their "own" I was reminded of something I did when I was a kid.  Expo 86 was HUGE...or at least in my little w...