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I like Heels

I am a girl.  I told that to Luci today.  I was coming from the gym and said, "Wow, Mommy is a sweaty girl."  Luci corrected me and said, "You're not a girl, you're a mommy and a sister."  I tried to explain that I am a girl and she is a kid.  I then confused her and said that goats' babies are called Kids ....too much information!!!  This being said, I like being a girl.  I used to look like a boy (thanks mom and dad!), but always loved a good dress. I was always coming up with outfits and tried different accessories.  Sometimes I looked good, other times, well, let's just say I now understand why I was often on the fringe of certain Esprit / Bennetton wearing"groups".  When Kamrin was born I was thrilled and relieved.  A girl.  I get girls.  I can do the daughter thing.  Then came along Mikka and Luci.  Having 3 girls - well, as my friend Angela could tell you, there is nothing better.  I have 3 opinions to gather, 3 attitudes to help adjust and maintain and 3 cheerleaders who love me despite myself.  When Darren married me, I was a university chick -  I did do some of the sweatshirt thing  - but am proud to say I never wore the sweat pants.  Don't get me wrong - they did look comfy, but I just couldn't do it.  Heck, I wore my sweatshirt so rarely it's still in my closet and looks hardly worn.  But as to my wardrobe, I have evolved over time.  I like heels now.  I love jewelery.  Bling is something I do enjoy.  Never  used to  - but as I am getting older I need other things to distract from the growing ass, the sagging boobs and crows feet that are planted on my face.  Having 3 girls has helped me maintain my love of fashion.  I used to want to be a fashion designer (haven't we all???  and if not, what's wrong with you? ). Living in Bangkok was perfect as I would draw a dress and take it to the dress maker and it would be created.  It rocked.  Furthermore, clothes were dirt cheap - and I could barter very well - so I had a cool wardrobe during my teenage years - on my very meager missionary kid budget.  In the last few years I have found it hard to keep up appearances.  Often tired when the kids were wee and still tired when they are getting older! - I, like every other mom, did the track pants, stained t-shirts and pony tails.  But I never felt very good about it all.  Then came along my introduction to a little known show called "What Not To Wear".  I don't have time to catch it very often anymore - but it has left a lasting impression on me that has changed the way I face my day.  I am now a true believer of looking good when out and about.  Yes, I wear the sweats to the gym and my very 'hot' overalls for at home - but when I go out I make an effort to put on something decent.  Not to impress or put on airs - I dress up because it helps me walk taller...makes me not feel so fat and blah and I just feel better.  Don't get me wrong, I tear off  those dress pants when I am home as fast as anything. I also have days when I just can't do it. I can't muster up a nice outfit and only my grubbies will do.  My kids notice how i carry myself and often make the effort to dress nice too.  Kamrin has a mannequin in her room which she dresses almost every day with what she will wear the next day. Last week Luci pulled out outfits from her closet and laid them all out too.  Is it wierd?  Perhaps.  But I want my kids to be confident - and sometimes what they wear helps show that side of their inner selves.   Clothing- for tweens especially - can be an expression of themselves.  Kamrin wears cute outfits that are well put together and is not into graphic t's and has a definite "style".  Mikka loves dresses but will wear just about anything I  throw at her.  Luci - well, she is almost 3 and is the most creative with her outfits. Sometimes I let her out in her ensembles, sometimes I insist we find an alternative.  But I like that they want to look nice.
At the end of the day, What you wear is not who you are, but it sure can give an impression.


  1. Mar, you are a BEAUTIFUL girl. One of the best.:) Always have been. HUGS.


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