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Just One Of Those Days

You ever had a day when you just felt like crap.  You woke up - hoped for a good attitude and joy and somehow it escaped you through the toilet.  Today is one of those days.  Some may say it's the weather.  I am a true believer that it does affect moods.  I often love a grey and rainy day - they remind me of home -  but sometimes they mess me up.  There  is nothing like a good BC rain...for a day...not  a month though! 
So today, my first born climbed into bed with me after having a bad dream.  You'd think that little cuddle would have made me feel positive.  It did, but only till I had to roll out and get up.  Then I had to  rush to another whimpering kid.   Mikka was in a bad dream - so I had to coax her awake to help her chase the bad dream away.  The girls were great this morning.  I helped make their beds, Luci remained asleep all morning, I sent the girls packing to the bus with umbrellas and gumboots - all good things.  Then got on the phone and had an argument with Darren.  Those kinds of things really throw me I hung up the phone, had a good cry and went to find Luci...hoping her chubby wee face would lift my spirits.  Her hugs did help somewhat, but not enough for me to feel good.  She ate her breakfast like a lovely wee girl...and then I decided I felt crappy enough that I would rather sit in my own fat then go to the gym and burn it off at spinning.  I know I am in a funk when I miss my Monday spinning.  And here's the catch...I felt like crap so I missed my now I feel even crappier cause I didn't exercise and now I have to wait a week before I can have that cool teacher again.  I can't win.  I looked in the mirror next.  What did I see?  Loads of pimples.  I mean, come on!!!!  Give a girl a break.  I was blessed with nice skin in high school and University.  It wasn't until my 30's that pimples found  me.  I hate them.  So, I had a hot shower while "Cinderella" babysat Luci.  I threw on my cozy clothes and proceeded to cover up the damage on my aging face.  I put on some make up and then had to do the next worse thing...find my bathing suit.  I had a date to meet a good friend at a pool with her new adorable wee daughter that she adopted from Kazakhstan.  I love my friend...I hate wearing a suit.  So I sucked it up again and donned on the black one with little pink flowers - a 50's retro kinda suit - hoping the cute factor would help...but again, I looked in the mirror and felt blah.  I threw Lu in her car seat and she was pumped to go swimming.  That started to wake me up - shake me out of my neanderthal state.  We had to stop at the liquor store to drop off some bottles...I made $2.65 - so was happy cause now I had my change for swimming.  Things were looking up some more.  At the pool I was faced with more good empty change room ( I HATE CHANGE ROOMS!) and only one other mom and kid in the pool.  Yeah.  Then came Lu's shrill yelp as she bounded towards the water...walking of course...we don't like the lifeguards to yell at us.  In the water I was finding some happiness, oddly enough. Then my friend came, whom I haven't seen in months - and we had a great time with our girls, catching up and just hanging out (figuratively and somewhat literally...still have to lose some of my boobs).  As we came home Luci decided on quesadilla's for lunch.  I decided on a whole wheat wrap with hummus, red pepper and spinach and a side of strawberries.  I have a plate full of cupcakes made the day before that were tempting me...but I was able to resist their cries to be eaten.  More bonuses.  Then I tucked in Luci and she went out beautifully and upon shutting her door for her nap, my sister called on Skype.  I got to have a great chat with Kara and Todd and have, as always, a good laugh and maybe one or two close cries.  Next  on the list of good things to come - my kids walking themselves home from the bus.  I love it when they do that.  Makes me proud of them and gives Luci a chance to get a full nap.  So now it's 2:39 pm and altho I started the day rough, it is getting better.  I have a friend who has offered to watch Luci tomorrow for a few hours, I will force myself to go work out tonight at the gym.  I crossed a barrier - made only by myself - to address with the principal at the girls school about some issues I think need to be faced and finally sent in my letter. I am attending a meeting and looking at a new venture to do with my pal Tatum.  And I know what I am going to make for dinner.  Small things...but they make the big, better. That all being said,  Let's just hope the sun is shining tomorrow!


  1. love the view out of your window on such a rotten day.
    glad it turned around -- that was up to you by the way. you're awesome.


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