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Don't get your Panties in a Bunch

Panties. Yes, I did say it.  Panties.  I hate them.  They are a source of a lot of discomfort for me.  No, I don't go commando.  I leave that to Sharon Stone.  Me, well, I think I have a different type of bum.  Since I was a little kid, I have always gotten wedgies.  My dad used to constantly ask me, "are you going to the movies?"....I truly did not get the joke until I was older and realized he was referring to me "picking my seat".  Badumbum!  Recently I have lost some weight and am having more pantie issues.  I wear tight exercise pants and now with less bum to fill the underwear, I am finding they bunch up at the sides giving me a crinkled look under my pants.  I am constantly pulling them up.  And these were the underwear that I liked.  It takes a lot for me to get underwear.  There are simply too many to choose from.  I hate shopping at the best of times and when it's time to get my underwear I am easily overwhelmed.  I got these good ones at Joe Fresh - even cute orange ones with polka dots (love them) - but now having lost weight, they are too loose.  I have a drawer full of bad underwear and yet I cannot part with them.  I have the bunch that I bought that were too small on me last year.  I am thinking I should try them again soon.  I also have the ever so popular Costco pack.  I hated these...but again, I have them in my drawer and so they get worn.  I hate bending over and having them crawl up my back to say hello to the cute guy behind me at the grocery store.  I even have the pair that I wore on my wedding day - yes, they are 16 years old and ratty - but they are from my wedding and again, just can't let go - even tho they are never worn.  I have the cute boy underwear style that I enjoyed but now the elastics are going on them, same with my bikini Haines.  I hate that we can't try them on before we buy them and once purchased, you can't return them.   I could buy the nice ones where you buy one of each, but I am too cheap for that and want value for my buck so I buy the larger packages.  It just means, I have more ill fitting underwear filling my drawer in the hopes that maybe one day they'll fit me right.  I am more aware of the underwear problem now because my ass is shrinking and I have noticed a couple times getting my butt checked out when walking by the weights at the gym.  How un-sexy to see gimped up underwear on a becoming-more-tight- ass.  I used to be paranoid when I got wedgies - but now that Rafael Nadal has made wedgie picking a sport in the tennis world, I feel less self-conscious.  I should just crumble and go and buy some more, but I am scared.  What's the point really....they probably won't work, my tummy may hang over them, they may ride up the back of my jeans, I may be picking my seat all the I just don't bother.   I may have to give in soon and just go to Zellers' already....I just wish it didn't have to be so hard.  My life with underwear truly is a pain in the ass.


  1. You described my butt (& life) to a T. :)

  2. You need to introduce yourself to the almighty Thong. The right one won't feel like a constant wedgie, but rather a day in the life of Sharon Stone!

  3. HAHA - I have tried it....hated it....maybe I should try again tho...something to consider! Thanks Kellie!!! :)

  4. yeah - i have a friend who is a thong person but that to me is the ultimate wedgie - i don't get it. i have underwear in my drawer ranging from small to large, yet i'm wearing them all because they're in there. i once bought 5 for $25 at american eagle and once i'd realized that these were the best ever panties for me, they'd taken that style off their shelves and it has never returned! i've been wearing those ones until they've gotten to holey for even me. so i hear your pain. let me know if you find something great. :)

  5. hi. great writing! for thong try 'hanky panky'. and for all the times you buy a packet of panties and try on a pair and realize you don't like them.... donate the rest. one option is 'panties with purpose' giving panties to school girls in kenya. check it out on google: - i think they even have a collection point in canada... can look into it.


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