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Showing posts from 2011

Give Credit Where it's Due

I got a job.  A great job.  A job that I am looking forward to.  However, having a job out of my house is going to mean some serious changes for me and my girls.  My having to get up and out the door means getting up earlier, leaving earlier and leaving 2 precious girls on their own.  I have warned my girls about the inevitable.  Our family dynamic has changed...and along with that comes new experiences, new challenges, new rewards.  Every morning I get up with my kids.  I am a morning person. I sing that bloody song to them.  Kamrin hates it, Mikka smirks at it with her eyes closed tight.  Luci - well...she's a wild never know how she'll react.  I am not a helicopter parent, but I do help them too much.  Of this I am aware of.  But, in my defense, they are only little once and one day I'll be sitting alone in my rocking chair, covered in wrinkles (thanks sun) and will smell of moth balls and will only have my ...

Growth Chart

Ok, seriously, the cake thing was wicked.  I loved every moment of it.  I loved meeting some of the most amazing people ever whom I intend on staying in touch with.  I loved learning how to bake properly - you know, with real measuring instead of guessing and tossing it in the bowl.  I hated modeling chocolate...but hey, you can't win everything.  I loved wearing my little white uniform and making it completely dirty every day.  I was the on-going joke with how dirty I got.  I simply couldn't help it...truly.  I loved how we ate lunch together either outside on the bench or upstairs in the lunch room.  I loved making gumpaste flowers but hated the grade I got after thinking I rocked it.  Pulling sugar...yeah, not so much either.  I learned more than I thought I ever could.  I learned a lot about cake decorating...but as you should, I learned a lot about other people and also about myself.  Cake decorating is hard and ex...

My Shadow

     I have a shadow.  Yes, I know, we all do at certain angles, in certain light.  But my shadow has nothing to do with the sun, my lack of shaving or being in a gloomy mood.  My shadow only hangs out for short periods of time during the year.  If you've seen me when my parents are around,  you've seen my shadow.  My Dad.  He is my side kick, my buddy, my sugar daddy, my shadow.       Funny thing about my Dad -  he used to drive me so incredibly nuts it was insane.  And I know I used to drive him nuts too.  Actually, I know I still do sometimes....but it's all good...we now know how to work it all out.       Dad stopped being my "boss", "manager", "slave-driver", when I got married.  After a single ceremony I wasn't his problem.  It was awesome.  All of a sudden I couldn't complain to Dad about things... there was some one else who got to deal with me...

Slowing down...

I am a fast  girl.  No, not a fast runner.  I do things fast.  I eat fast.  Just ask my kids. I woof down my dinner and have to wait for them.  I sew fast....I love to hear the needle humming.  I breath fast.  I think fast (not always coherently, mind you).  I am going a mile a minute in my head often.  I clean fast.  Mow the lawn fast.  However, I do math slow.  :)      I know fast is good for some things. Good for getting to where you want to be on time.  For getting chores done.  For typing.  For jogging / walking / exercising.    But in reality, it is better to go at a bit slower pace.  I often talk to myself and try to calm the "fast" part of me down.  I can see where I am headed on the fast train. I know I am going to mess up and yet somehow, the fast side usually wins, despite the obvious consequences.  I am a clutz because of this need to be fast.  S...


    I have have been experiencing a lot of "new"s in my life of late.  New living situation.  New school.  New experiences daily that I am relishing, savouring and devouring.  I started school at the Bonnie Gordon College of Confectionary Arts on Sept 12 and in the past 10 days I have had the biggest smile on my face. You simply can't wipe it off...ok, it has been rubbed off a couple of times but at least it comes back quick if smeared away.      I am seeing new faces, meeting new people, doing new things.  As to new faces.  One of the discoveries I have made in this time is that the area of Eglinton and Allen is a beautiful Jewish neighbourbood.  There are lots of fancy cars and men wearing suits with their "kippa's".  There are a few bagel shops and an Israeli store by my school.  I have yet to venture in to get a bagel...but I will soon!  I love it all!  It's a new place with lots to discover....

Letting Go....

     The person who is struggling the most with the girls going back to school isn't me after's Luci.  I guess it's understandable.  She had 2 playmates with her all summer.  2 big girls who would do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.  One older one to go for walks around the block with and another to play barbies and polly pockets with. Her wish was their command!      Kamrin is Luci's other mom.  It's good and it's bad all at the same time.  I do enjoy having her home for the summer - I have a lot more flexibility and freedom to go out and she can babysit!  Mikka, well, she is another playmate...but Luci actually calls her Mom.  Often I will hear Lu call out, "Mom!" and I'll say "yes?" and she'll say, "No, not you, Mikka Mom!  You are Grandma!"...something I am not too thrilled about but let slide!  I am not ready to board the Grandma train quite yet!!!     ...

Night Night Sleepy Heads

     My kids are great - truly, they are remarkable people.  I like hanging around them, I love to snuggle with them and feel them close.  That is, until I am trying to get to sleep.  True, it was sweet to sleep together when they were tiny.  They didn't hurt when they kicked.  They didn't smell too bad when they passed gas.  I used to love snuggling in bed with my girls when they were wee.  They smelled so good, so fresh and, well, so tiny - if that even is a smell....       I remember being tucked in at night by my mom growing up.  She had a wee prayer written on a card for Kara and I to learn and say each night.  "Dear Jesus.  As I come before you now, I pray that you will show me how, to do the things I do just right, and keep me safe all through the night.  Please bless me Lord and then just take me as I am, for Jesus' sake, Amen."  Funny how some things just stick...I will go ...

My Wee Motivators!

I go to the gym.   I go there a lot.  I went there lots more in the spring and have missed doing night time work outs...however, there are some sacrifices one has to make for the children! :)  I love having them home in the summer, but Kamrin is 12 now and hates going to the kids care; whereas Mikka and Luci love going.  There is one child care worker, Onique, whom we love and when we walk into the room we are always thrilled when it's our friend there who is working.  Yes, other girls are nice, but they just aren't HER.       This summer I did a lot of outdoor running.  It took less time than a trip to the gym.  Kamrin would watch the little ones....kind of.   Or I would gym it with the other 2 and she would stay at home.  She quite liked being on her own tho...I would come home to find my nearly-teen lounging on the couch, hair a mess, teeth unbrushed, watching that darn Family Channel.  Seriously, a...

Sometimes Life Just Gets In The Way!

I have been absent for quite some time from blog-land.  I haven't had the gumption, energy or creativity to write about life and make fun of it all.  I am going to get back on this wagon. I am going to attempt to see life in all it's rich colours and be sure to share it from my perspective.  Lots has happened to me and my family this past while. One thing I know is that I still see things as funny.  What a blessing that is!!!  For the past couple of months I have opened this page and sat looking at the screen. Ideas floating around, jokes to be made, stories to tell...and when I started typing I went blank.  It was the oddest thing as I do love to write.  So I hear the rumblings of kids waking up in the back ground, smell my own lovely morning breath and feel my tummy rumbling, craving some oatmeal, I will work at getting "back at it".  I need to do things that make me ME....and this is something I have control over and will take over f...

And So It Begins...

Summer.   Summer.    Summer.   Summer....(envision opening of High School Musical movie) - bring it on!  That last week of school nearly killed me.  I dreaded finding food for lunches. I felt like some cave woman that had to forge through the rough jungle to come up with something nutritious, and if not nutritious, filling, to give to those kids!  I had a lot on my plate in terms of personal stuff too and a very long list of errands to run, etc.  Let's just say I was happy to have my meds! :)       Stress aside, I love summer vacation and I love having the kids around.   But it's not just having the kids around that I love.  I savour the irresponsibility of it all.  I don't have to set my alarm now.  I love that we can sleep in every day!   I can make chocolate chip pancakes on a Monday and have the time to enjoy them with the girls and not just shove a bowl of cereal or toast ...

Seeking Forgiveness

We all have our I right?  Days, when seriously, they (the children) aren't being bad...but somehow whatever they do just gets to you.  Be it bad, be it big, be it small....the fact that they just did that one thing sends you SOARING!  I had such an episode this week.....Let me share!      The other day I was cupcaking.  If you know me - you know I am a single task person when it comes to baking.  Do NOT mess with me when I am in my kitchen. I don't need your help, I don't need your encouragement, I just need you to stay out of my way.  I had cupcakes to do for a friends class and then treats for each of my kids classes.  Yes, I know - I took it all on, I didn't HAVE to do the kids cupcakes...but yet, I really  did HAVE to or they would be so let down.  When I bake I need to  focus and I must have on an apron and ipod.  These are the requirements.  I told my lovely girls - "I love you but stay away...

Just say NO

     I can't say No.  No, I am not talking about when people ask me for something.  I have learned that it's good to say no when I am feeling too busy or over-scheduled.  What I can't say NO to is baking.  Sweets are a problem for me - always have been and probably always will.       Today I had a bunch of bananas that were starting to encourage fruit flys to come and hang out and party.  I knew I needed to bake with them.  I have a kickass banana bread recipe that my family gobbles up so I knew that I would please the girls to no end if I baked for them.  I also had some fresh strawberries from the St. Jacobs Farmers Market, and rhubarb too.  I love love love rhubarb...especially in a pie....with strawberries.  So after tidying and cleaning today and feeling pretty good about life, I pulled out the bits and pieces and started creating yummy treats.  I also made this yummy curried barley and ...

Racing makes me go Crazy!!!

      Last year Kamrin ran in the Cross Country meet of  the Christian / Catholic schools in the area.  I had never been to  a meet before and found it so exhilarating.  I missed her first race due to Mikka splitting open her head at the track and having to rush her to get her first taste of staples in the scalp.  Kamrin ran the race immediately after I took a blood soaked Mikka away and she finished so well...She claims it was the stress of the preceding event that pushed her.  The next meet was held at the Heartlake Conservation Area.  The trees were golden, the air was wet and the energy was tangible for last years final race.  Kamrin was a stress case but did so well.   I had never seen her run before and the event was brilliant.        At the finish line of the race is where it gets very intense.   Last year I remember kids climbing up this huge hill and trying to fin...

Why I like Facebook.

So - we are living in a very modern age.  An age where time  and distance don't really get in the way of much.  Especially relationships.  I am not a computer geek - I struggle with a lot of the techno lingo and jazz, but I love my email and my facebook.  I don't twitter. Heck, I only just got a cell phone in August and still don't know how to text efficiently.  But Facebook has become my best friend.  Some people think it's a stupid thing.  Some judge me saying the relationships I have on there are shallow and vain.  I see it very differently.  Some people may say I waste a lot of time on the computer playing on FB.  I daresay, some days I do.  I have to watch myself.  My sister even told me to stop when I was getting a bit too "computer-focused".  But I have to say, Facebook actually makes me happy and has broadened my scope of friendships and connections.      When I went to boarding school we didn'...

Lunches are going to Kill Me!

      When the school year starts I am good with lunches.  I have fresh and creative ideas and I enjoy packing them for the girls for school. They also get into it in September and ask to get up a few minutes early to help organize their food for that day.  Then October comes and they don't ask to help anymore.  That's ok...I'm down with that.  By December I am looking forward to a break from lunches - from smelly lunch bags!  Now it's May and I am done. Finished.  Sick of it.  Why so cranky about lunches?      My kids are good eaters.  They eat a lot of things - a lot of different things.  Just ask my family and friends - my kids get fed some wierd stuff...but they are used to it.  Just like the kids in the middle of the jungle don't know any different from eating crickets and bark, my kids don't know anything different than eating my food!  For lunches I try and get all the food groups - so...

GO Gracie GO!

     So, I know this kid. Her name is Grace.  She is a very funny kid. Wise beyond her years. Seriously.  Darren and I coached her in soccer a few years ago.  She would sit on the bench and make  us laugh. She was covert in a lot of her humor.  Dry and witty and lovingly cutting!  We grew to love this kid and to love her family too.  It's been a few years since that crazy indoor soccer season.  We still see Gracie once in a while and her family.  And even tho we may not see them much - we would consider them great friends.  Grace has hung up her soccer cleats.  Sports aren't her thing - they are her brothers thing.  Reading, writing - creative stuff is Graces' thing and not only does she like it - she's so good at it.       A short while ago I started to blog.  I love blogging - writing about randomness, stories, experiences, thoughts.  It's an outlet that I've craved and ...

Music To My Ears

Music is very important to me. I was raised in a  musical family.  We played instruments and sang together.  We were a quirky VonTrapp family at Christmas with our wee group that included the accordion, piano, cello and saxophone!  Yes, it sounded brutal, but heck, mom and dad paid for our lessons so we had no choice but to all play together!  Kara and I grew up singing and playing together. She would play the piano and I would sing.  Old show tunes were our forte.  A favourite of ours was West Side Story - and the songs from that film.  I rocked it with my Mexican accent - however, my hips didn't move so well for the dancing....still don't!!  Today my  own girls sing show tunes ...albeit, they sing along with the dvd's they are watching as the lyrics come on screen.  I am not fussy - they are still learning songs I grew up with and adore.  I listen to music lots and enjoy loads of different types.  I love the Organ! ...

Out of My Comfort Zone

I have a hard time believing I am ok.  I struggle with the acceptance that I can do things.  This, in return, halts me from branching out and doing some things that would challenge me and possibly make me more of a well-rounded and confident person.  I have confidence.  I know I am a good mom (most days).  I know I am a patient and kind wife (again, most days). But still, I lack in believing in myself.  Years ago I decided to do something for myself and enrolled in the night course at Humber College to do Interior Design.  I LOVED being back at school.  I was scared silly - but was so glad to be sitting in the back of a class room with my pen and paper in hand - ready to tackle hues, colours and shades!  I had a great year and did really well.  However, I went and got pregnant and had to quit school.  Doh!  I was good at the design thing....but deep down was probably happy to have to resign as my next course was drafting and th...

Good Cop, Bad Cop

So, the other day, Kamrin and I were in the car and she mentioned to me that she saw a police officer in the car driving while texting.  She didn't think it was really fair that he would be able to break that law if we aren't allowed to. She also said he was a fat cop.  Oops.  I had to stifle a giggle on that one...but assured her that sometimes living life as a cop can make it hard to get to the gym and eat a healthy meal.  However, I do believe that if you're going to look for bad guys, you should be able to chase them too.  Police officers can be great - they are necessary - but one of my biggest pet peaves is when they simply want to get through a stoplight so they put on their lights and flash on through.  Grrrr.  Kamrin and I were discussing the police force and of course Mikka decided she wanted to be a cop so she could drive really really fast.  She is her mothers daughter and Uncles niece....we like fast.  I grew up loving the show '...

Don't get your Panties in a Bunch

Panties. Yes, I did say it.  Panties.  I hate them.  They are a source of a lot of discomfort for me.  No, I don't go commando.  I leave that to Sharon Stone.  Me, well, I think I have a different type of bum.  Since I was a little kid, I have always gotten wedgies.  My dad used to constantly ask me, "are you going to the movies?"....I truly did not get the joke until I was older and realized he was referring to me "picking my seat".  Badumbum!  Recently I have lost some weight and am having more pantie issues.  I wear tight exercise pants and now with less bum to fill the underwear, I am finding they bunch up at the sides giving me a crinkled look under my pants.  I am constantly pulling them up.  And these were the underwear that I liked.  It takes a lot for me to get underwear.  There are simply too many to choose from.  I hate shopping at the best of times and when it's time to get my underwear I am easi...